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Internship at the Embassy of Sweden

Last month I moved to Tokyo to do a half-year internship at the Commercial and Investment Office (Business Sweden) at the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo. My job is to help Swedish businesses to reach out with their products, services and ideas in Japan. To some extent, the job is also about attracting Japanese investments in Sweden (FDI).

Right now I’m working on an event called “Treasures of the forest”. A part of this event is the “Sweden Interior Design Weekend” which is open to the public on Saturday the 12th of March. As the name gives away, it will feature a modern Swedish interior design with a handful of companies showing their products.

Tokyo is very different from Kyoto. There are fewer temples and lots of skyscrapers. Japanese people in business suits(Salarymen) often running off to somewhere.


現在は”森のタカラ未来のチカラ”というイベントに取り組んでいます。そのイベントの一部は”スウェーデンインテリアデザイン ウィークエンドであり、そのイベントは一般の方に3月12日に開かれます。言うまでもなく、それはモダンなスウェーデンのインテリアデザインを十数の企業が彼らの商品を見せながら紹介します。



What is a Kräftskiva?

A Crayfish Party or Kräftskiva is a traditional eating and drinking celebration in Sweden. The party is held in August and is usually enjoyed outdoors. The party accessories are funny paper hats, table cloths, and paper lanterns. Akvavit and many other kinds of strong liquor(snaps) are served together with beer. The crayfish themselves are boiled in saltwater together with fresh dill. We then serve it cold and eat it with our hands.

This is how my Swedish family does it

When my family has kräftskiva there is a good atmosphere with noisy eating and many traditional drinking songs (snapsvisa). The alcohol consumption is high in regards to the food consumed. We like to suck the juice out of the crayfish before finishing it. We have the crayfish with bread, surströmming, västerbotten cheese, salads, and other dishes.

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This is what happened in IKEA Japan!

IKEA Japan in Kobe held the crayfish party unusually early in July and of course indoors in the customer restaurant with about 50 customers. I participated as a Swedish culture bearer to show how to manage the party. There was an awkward feeling in the beginning when we introduced the crayfish party and I demonstrated a drinking song solo called “helan går!”. As time passed however and the alcohol intake increased, the Japanese customers softened up and became more cheerful.


ザリガニパーティーや Kräftskivaは、スウェーデンの伝統的な飲食行事です。そのパーティーは、通常8月に行われ、屋外で飲食を楽しみます。パーティーアクセサリーは色々あり、紙で作られた面白い帽子、テーブルクロス、ちょうちんなどです。アクアビットやその他、さまざまな強いお酒(Snaps)と、もちろんビールも一緒に飲みます。ザリガニは自体は新鮮なディルと一緒に塩水でゆでられています。そして冷やして冷たい状態のザリガニを手を使って食べます。





So long and thanks for all the meatballs

I’ve taken a leave of absence from IKEA Barkarby during my two years in Japan. Yesterday was the last day and I was greeted with goodbye hugs and gifts. I’ve been working here for a little over two years and grown to like and understand the company more and more. The wonderful people who work here is one of a kind. The airplane lifts off from Stockholm in less than two weeks and quitting IKEA reminds me of how fast time flies. This is the next step in my new life and it makes it feel more real.

Thank you, dear colleagues, and sayonara!

A magnificent dalahorse from my IKEA co-workers – It will follow me to Japan!

Goodbye gift from co-workers
Goodbye gift from IKEA co-workers