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Inbound tourism and Japan

Last month I was invited to speak about Inbound Tourism to Japan at a startup seminar. I got connected to Ms. Asaeda, the CEO of the newly established Andjapan (&japan) through a contact at my current job.  

About 60 people had gathered for the event. This made me quite nervous because the 10 minutes speech had to be in Japanese, as almost the entire audience was from Japan. However, I got more comfortable after about half the presentation. This was followed by a discussion and I spoke to cultural practitioners ranging from Japanese traditional theater to kimono experience professionals. 

The philosophy behind &Japan is to:

  • Introduce Japanese culture and lore to overseas tourists. In addition to this also give feedback to Japanese people and cultural practitioners.
  • Resolve any mismatches between what foreign tourists actually want and the Japanese hospitality point of view.
  • Revitalize the regional economy in Japan by returning and circulate the money tourist spends back to the cultural practitioners.



&Japan 設立理念・組織の目的

  • 海外の観光客に、本質的な日本文化の紹介・伝承を行ないたい
  • 訪日観光客が望むもの/日本のおもてなし側のミスマッチの解消を行ないたい
  • 訪日観光客が国内・観光地にお金を落とすことで、地域の経済を活性化させ、その資金を本来の日本文化伝承のホルダーに還元・循環させたい

Lessons learned working for a Japanese company

One and a half year has passed since I joined Pasona Art Now, which is a subsidiary company of Pasona. I`m currently working as a team leader for the expanding global department with a team from over 10 different countries. The road has been filled with many discoveries and interesting challenges including business trips to Bali in Indonesia.

When I joined the company, we had a large-scale initiation ceremony of Pasona Group together with the rest of the group companies’ new employees. We were over 200 people in total and 6 people came from my company. There were strict rules to follow and we had to wear a black business suit every day, even for breakfast! This was followed by days of lectures and tours of Pasona`s facilities on Awaji. There were many presentations from group companies (all in Japanese of course).

As a part of my training period, I was placed as an assistant manager at a facility in Tokyo Tower. This was a crash course in Japanese business manners and culture shock in many ways, however, I truly learned a lot about the Japanese service mindset. After a few months passed I got transferred to the newly established global department and got assigned as a team leader.

パソナグループの(株)Pasona art nowに入社してから1年半が経過しました。現在、世界10カ国以上様々な国籍のスタッフが働くグローバル事業部においてチームリーダーを勤め、社内研修プログラムやインバウンドツーリズムのマーケティングを担当しています。インドネシアのバリへの出張など、多くの発見と興味深い課題がありました。

私が入社した時に、 パソナグループと新入社員の大規模な入社式が行われました。私たちは合計200人を超え、私の会社からは6人が参加しました。そこでは厳しい規則があり、私達は毎日黒いビジネススーツを着用しなければなりませんでした。朝食の時もです!淡路島でのパソナの施設の講演やツアーの日が続きました。多くのグループ会社からのプレゼンテーションがありました。(すべてはもちろん日本語でした)


New job and how I got a work visa in Japan

I have been busy this last half-year, let me explain why. A lot of things have happened recently. I accepted the job offer from Pasona Art Now in Tokyo! This is a venture company and a subsidiary of Pasona Group, one of the largest HR solutions companies in Japan. I started my new job as a contract employee last year and joined the planning department shortly thereafter. Pasona Art Now’s mission is aiming to create a society where all people can live rich and happy lives.

Since I started, I’ve been placed at the Tokyo Tower division to receive intensive job training. I’ve immersed myself in Japanese manners, language, and customs, etc. 

However, instead of talking about my new job, I’d like to share my experiences and give some insight into matters I wish I had known at the time I started the work visa process. So before I finally started working, I was facing the visa issue most foreigners do. How smooth would it be to transfer a student visa into a working visa?

Quite smooth it turned out to be. My original student visa was valid for two years and three months. Two years for the master’s degree and then a few months working as a cushion to transfer back to the working life. This has been a stressful time looking for jobs and having a deadline for my student visa to work towards. In the end, I got a work visa just two weeks before the expiration date of the student visa!

Since I graduated with an MBA degree, which is labeled as social science, the appropriate visa would be the “Specialist in Humanities / International Services Visa”. According to statistics, about 90% of all international students that change their residence status from student to working will get this visa. The general requirement is to have a university degree or 10 years of working experience in the field. The salary received cannot be below what a Japanese national would get for comparable work, which means the salary would need to be higher than 200 000 yen per month.






Finding job in Japan

About a month has passed since I graduated with an MBA from Doshisha Business School in Kyoto. With this in mind, the time has to account for my job hunting activities.

First of all the dreaded Japanese job hunting is indeed tough and frustrating. However, it was a good time to reexamine myself and developing my interviewing skills. I’ve considered many different options and found that there are many styles of job hunting. For me, I didn’t have any specific desire to join a large or famous company so I kept the spread wide to see that kind of jobs was out there.

Until today, I have two job offers after having multiple interviews with over ten completely different companies. There was a lot of submitting of applications, joint briefing sessions and interviews in Japanese as a required step in the hiring process.

So how did I get in contact with all these companies? I recommend anyone with working experience to speak to at least one recruitment consultant during your job search in Japan. Personally, I had contact with iWill CapitalAdecco Japan, and Pasona Global.  Another way of finding companies is using one of the large career sites, such as Daijob, CareerCross,  or Linkedin. From these experiences I’ve learned that being bilingual is the gold standard.

According to statistics, half of the jobs for international students in Japan is in either translation/interpreting or sales/marketing. The main reasons to hire a foreigner maybe to cultivate and expand an oversea business or to stimulate the workplace by increasing diversity within the company. From my experience, it seems like companies in Japan is looking for Japanese language skills, communication skills and enthusiasm for the foreigners they are hiring.





それでは、私はどうやってこれらの企業と接触したのでしょうか? 日本で転職したい方へのアドバイスとして、少なくとも一社のリクルートコンサルタントに登録する事をお勧めします。私は就職活動中、[アイウィルキャピタル]、[アデコ株式会社]、[パソナグローバル]に登録しました。また求人を検索する際の別の方法としてキャリアサイト、例えば:ダイジョブ、キャリアクロス、またはリンクトインのいずれを利用した方がいいと思います。それらの経験からやっはりバイリンガルはゴールドスタンダードだと思いました。


Experience traditional culture with Japan tent

I’m finally graduating with an MBA from Doshisha University in two weeks from now. As a great way to end my life as a student, I participated in JAPAN TENT. In this program, 300 foreign exchange and research students from 78 different countries around the world are gathering together in Ishikawa Prefecture for a one-week homestay. I was offered a chance to live with two local families in the  remarkable beautiful and culturally rich Ishikawa.

The first three days I stayed at Shun’s house and explored the Noto peninsula, which has excellent seafood and interesting history from the Jomon period. I woke up every morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee from Shuns own Cafe Urara. The most memorable experience was carrying around a Kiriko or a giant festival lantern  at the Noto Kiriko Festival.

The last three days I stayed with the Kobori family in their huge Japanese house in Nonoichi. It was obvious to me that the Kobori’s represents the stereotypical image of a Japanese family: Grandpa works in the rice field and garden, Grandma stays home and cooks, Father works at a manufacturing company, Mother stays home with the baby and the rest of the kids goes to school. The Kobori family gave me a very warm welcome and showed the Japanese hospitality. In Nonoichi, I tried making magatama (a kind of power stone) and wagashi (Japanese sweets). The last day of the homestay we visited Kenrokuen, a landscape garden said to be one of the three great gardens of Japan.

I will never forget my time in Ishikawa learning of Japans traditional culture. At the last day, I got a notice that I was one of the 10% selected to become ambassadors for the Japan Tent program. Japan Tent is free of charge and all expenses are covered by sponsoring partners and volunteers. I warmly recommend You to apply for the program in 2017 because this is a new way to get introduced to traditional Japanese culture.


京都の同支社大学に在学中、石川県のJapan Tentプログラムでの体験は学生生活の中で一番よい思い出になりました。このプログラムは世界中での78の国々の300の留学生を集まりました。綺麗として文化的な石川県にホームステイをしに行きました。石川県で二つの家族に泊まるチャンスがありました。


最後の三日間はホストファミリーである小堀家の大きく、日本的な家に泊まりました。この経験はステレオタイプの日本人家族を表して:お祖父さんは農業、お祖母さんは料理、お父さんは会社で仕事、お母さんは赤ちゃんのお世話、他の3人兄弟は勉強をしていました。 小堀氏は私と初めて会うにもかかわらず、親切で大変あたたかくおもてなししくれてました。 とても素晴らしい家族です。 観光で訪れた野々市市では、勾玉や和菓子を作ったりしました。最後に兼六園を訪れ、その美しさに大変感動しました。

石川県の伝統的な文化を学んだ事は忘れられない特別な良い体験となりました。 帰りの日は、全体の10%からJapan Tentの大使に選ばれました。スポンサーやボランティアの御かげでJapan Tentは無料になっています。心から日本に住んでいる留学生をJapan Tent 2017を進めます。
