Finding job in Japan

About a month has passed since I graduated with an MBA from Doshisha Business School in Kyoto. With this in mind, the time has to account for my job hunting activities.

First of all the dreaded Japanese job hunting is indeed tough and frustrating. However, it was a good time to reexamine myself and developing my interviewing skills. I’ve considered many different options and found that there are many styles of job hunting. For me, I didn’t have any specific desire to join a large or famous company so I kept the spread wide to see that kind of jobs was out there.

Until today, I have two job offers after having multiple interviews with over ten completely different companies. There was a lot of submitting of applications, joint briefing sessions and interviews in Japanese as a required step in the hiring process.

So how did I get in contact with all these companies? I recommend anyone with working experience to speak to at least one recruitment consultant during your job search in Japan. Personally, I had contact with iWill CapitalAdecco Japan, and Pasona Global.  Another way of finding companies is using one of the large career sites, such as Daijob, CareerCross,  or Linkedin. From these experiences I’ve learned that being bilingual is the gold standard.

According to statistics, half of the jobs for international students in Japan is in either translation/interpreting or sales/marketing. The main reasons to hire a foreigner maybe to cultivate and expand an oversea business or to stimulate the workplace by increasing diversity within the company. From my experience, it seems like companies in Japan is looking for Japanese language skills, communication skills and enthusiasm for the foreigners they are hiring.





それでは、私はどうやってこれらの企業と接触したのでしょうか? 日本で転職したい方へのアドバイスとして、少なくとも一社のリクルートコンサルタントに登録する事をお勧めします。私は就職活動中、[アイウィルキャピタル]、[アデコ株式会社]、[パソナグローバル]に登録しました。また求人を検索する際の別の方法としてキャリアサイト、例えば:ダイジョブ、キャリアクロス、またはリンクトインのいずれを利用した方がいいと思います。それらの経験からやっはりバイリンガルはゴールドスタンダードだと思いました。
