All posts by Daniel

Gathering your red ink seals – goshuincho

Do you remember the joy of collecting Pokemon cards in your childhood? Well today I’m going to talk about something that even adults can collect without embarrassment!

Recently, I discovered a Japanese tradition of collecting red ink seals and beautiful handwritten calligraphy from Japan’s Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines. You collect the vermillion colored stamp of the official seal from the temples and shrines in a book called the goshuincho (御朱印帳), as well as a personally drawn piece of calligraphy. Each inscription has two parts: the stamp of the seal and the calligraphy of the temple’s/shrine’s name and the date.

Here’s how you can join in on the fun! You can first buy the book at one of the larger temples (for about ¥800-1500). I bought mine at the Itsukushima Jinja shrine in Miyajima in Japan.

So once you have purchased the book (and after you are done touring/praying at the temple/shrine), you can head over to the place with a sign that says 御朱印. This is always written in Japanese, so make sure to write it down!!! The priest will open your book to the next free page and stamp it with the temple’s/shrine’s seal. Then using a brush and some black ink, the priest will calligraph the date, along with the temple’s/shrine’s name. And after paying 300 yen, your book is returned infused with another unforgettable memory of Japan.

I have been collecting goshuin for about two months now, and I still get fascinated every time by the uniqueness of each seal and calligraphy.  I’ve mostly been around Kyoto, as I live here and there’s no shortage of temples here. So the next time you visit a temple or shrine in Japan, why don’t you give goshuin a try?

Gotta Catch ‘Em All!


最近、私は日本の習わしでもある、仏教寺院や神社を巡り美しい手書きの書道と朱印を集めることを発見しました。御朱印帳と呼ばれる本に寺院や神社の朱色の公印、ならびに個々人により描かれる書道を集めます。各御朱印は1、朱色のスタンプ 2、寺/神社の名前・日付の2つのパートからなります。




御朱印 ぜーーーーんぶゲットだぜ

Moving to a mansion in Kyoto

Subaru hoshi no ko. Does that sounds like a mansion to you?

A mansion(マンション) in Japan is not a large dwelling house. It is usually a multiple unit block with a secure central entrance with an elevator and a centralized post box system. Apartments (アパート) on the other hand, usually has neither of that and is cheaper with the frame usually made of wood rather than concrete and steel. Apartment are never higher than 3 stories.

When renting housing in Japan, you usually need a guarantor. And in case you don’t have a personal connection, there are guarantor companies you can pay to act like it. However they won’t pay anything in the case of you get default, so it’s meaningless and a waste of money.

Wanting to cut commutation costs and time, I moved to a 1R mansion in downtown Kyoto. The process is much more complicated compared to Sweden. I went to a real estate agent and said what type of housing I wanted and where. The agent then gave me three choices. I chose two places and booked a time for checking it out in real life.

Having decided upon “Subaru hoshi no ko”, it was time to start writing the contract, which is more easily said than done. Having filled out the basic information, I took the papers and went for a hunt of seals(Hanko), stamps and certificates needed to complete it.

Firstly, having spent 30 min filling out mine and the real estate information two times and putting my hanko on these documents, I went to Doshishas Office of International Students(OIS) to get their approval. It turned out that there was a small mistake in the move out date on the contract so everything was void. Having gone back the next day and redoing it, I went back to the Doshisha (OIS) but they didn’t approve it yet. They, however, gave me two new documents I had to fill out and get approved from two new separate places.

My first task was going to an “automated certificate issuing machine”, using my electronic Student ID and paying for a two-year fire insurance. Except for everything being in Japanese, this went quite smoothly. The second task was going to Doshisha Enterprise to pay the (meaningless) guarantor fee. Going there I had to fill out some more documents and pay the fee.

This being done, I finally went back to the (OIS) with all these papers, after being thoroughly reviewed, they carefully put their hanko on the contract. Thinking I was done, I proudly went back to the real estate agent. He told me that we needed the hanko of the owner of the mansion as well so he told me to get back after a few days. Coming back again, with all hankos collected (7 in total!), I went to OIS for the fourth time, they took a copy and the process was finally over.


日本のマンションは、一軒家ではありません。通常は, エレベーターや、集団ポストシステム、安全に管理されている入り口がある集団住宅です。一方で、アパートは通常、そのどちらもがなく、またコンクリートではなく、木材で作ってあり安い物件です。そして3階よりも高くなることはありません。







Beautiful cherry blossom in Yoshino

The most beautiful cherry blossoms in Japan?

A couple of weeks ago, my friend and I took the train from Kyoto to Mount Yoshino in Nara Prefecture. About one and a half hours later, we arrived at Yoshino, which is said to be the most famous sakura viewing spot in Japan. The cherry trees there are said to have been planted during the 700th century, and the mountain is covered by many different varieties of cherry blossoms now.

When we arrived, we took the cable car up the mountain and walked up the rest of the way. We had udon for lunch at a small local restaurant that had low tables on tatami mats and a spectacular view of the town and mountain. After a while, we arrived at the famous Kane-no-Torii, which is said to have been made from the same metal as the Big Buddha in Todaiji in Nara. It is one of the three most famous torii gates in Japan, along with the one at Itsukushima-jinja in Miyajiima, and the one at Tennoji in Osaka.




Travelling west towards Onomichi, Hiroshima, Iwakuni and Miyajima

Once again I used the discount ticket (seishun 18 kippu) to travel deeper into western Japan. I began the journey from Kansai, and the first stop of the day was Onomochi, which is famous for having many temples despite its small size. I went on the “Temple walk”, starting with a 5 min cable car ride up the local mountain. The senkoji park provided a spectacular view of the town. On the way down, I saw many things: from small ojisozan statues to a wild catfight. Later, I enjoyed a beautiful and delicious waffle and then walked around the town until I decided to stop for some excellent ramen. Having appeased my appetite, I continued onwards to Hiroshima.

On the second day, I didn’t use the seishun ticket, but instead spent the day roaming around Hiroshima. Hiroshima is a comfortable town with wide streets and friendly people. I had lunch by the riverside and helped translate  “The possibilities are endless” to “可能性は無限大” for an old Japanese man who had a cap with that saying in English。

At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, I was approached by many high school students to help them with their school project and folded many paper cranes, which are a symbol of peace. I felt a little melancholy the rest of the day after seeing the horrors of the atomic bomb and its effect on the people of Hiroshima at the museum. Before the sunset, I went to Shukkeien Garden, and enjoyed the sight of bonsai trees and many turtles and carps in the pond. As it was getting late, I continued to “okonomimura“, which is a portmanteau of the words for Japanese pizza (okonomiyaki) and village (mura). There, I enjoyed the pleasant of Hiroshima-style onomoiyaki made from noodles and a lot of vegetables.

On the third day, I woke up early and took the train towards Iwakuni. The lunch of the day was skewered meat, squid and a beer, which I enjoyed while sitting down by the river close to the beautiful Kintai bridge. After that, I took the ferry over to miyajima and went straight to my Japanese style inn (ryokan) to drop off my luggage. One of the many goals for the trip was to hike Mount Misen, so I took the cable car up to the peak and gazed upon a spectacular view.  On the way down, I descended thousands of stone steps and stopped by many small shrines and temples, including the amazing Buddhist temple, Daisho-in.

I ate a full course dinner at a restaurant called Mametanuki and I finished the night by taking night shots of Itsukushima-jinja. Finally, I took a dip in the ofuro (Japanese style bath) and went back to my room and slept like a log.

At 10:05 AM on the next day, the lady in charge of the inn woke me up and kindly reminded me about the checkout time at 10:00. Leaving the hotel, I went back to Itsukushima jinja and bought a book called “shuinchou“, which is a special book used to collect stamps and hand-drawn calligraphy from the temples and shrines in Japan.

Once back at mainland Japan, I took a 7-hour journey back home to Kansai using local trains.



二日目、私は青春18切符を使用せず、その代わりに広島市内をうろうろしました。広島は通りが広く、また親切な人が多い快適な町です。川岸のお店に寄って昼ごはんを食べたとき、英語で”The possibilities are endless”と書いてある帽子を被っているおじいさんがいました。その人に、この意味は何かと尋ねられたので「可能性は無限大」と訳してあげました。

広島平和記念公園では、高校生たちの学校のプロジェクトの一貫として平和のシンボルである折り鶴を一緒に折るように声を掛けられました。平和記念公園にいる間たくさん高校生に出会ったので、その都度一緒に鶴を折りました。原爆資料館で被爆した方々の影響や原爆の恐ろしさを見たあとは一日中もの悲しい気持ちでした。資料館をあとにして、陽が沈む前に縮景園に行って盆栽の木や池にいた亀や鯉の姿を見て楽しみました。だんだん辺りが暗くなってきたときに、日本のピザ(お好み焼き)のお店が集まる村、”お好み村” へ、足を延ばしました。そこで麺とたくさんの野菜で作られた広島風のお好み焼きを食べました。





Shikoku – a four day trip

Shikoku, one of Japan’s four main islands, is known for: Japan’s oldest hot spring; the 88 temple pilgrimage; and arguably the best udon you will ever taste.

During this trip, I used the Seishun 18 Kippu. This discount ticket can be used all over Japan on local and rapid JR trains. It’s valid for 5 days and only costs ¥ 11,800, but it can only be used for 3 periods in a year.

I started my journey from Kobe, and used local train lines and transferred multiple times until I made it to Takamatsu in Shikoku. I had a few hours to explore the city, so I took the train to Shikoku Mura, an outdoor architecture museum with old buildings that are falling into disrepair or about to be demolished. The buildings were moved here from all around Shikoku, and were built during different time periods.

After that, I explored downtown Takamatsu and took the local train to my final destination, Sanuki Saita, which is a small village in the middle of Shikoku. I met my friend’s friend, Toshiaki-san (the owner of the guest house ‘Nishougongo‘), and he and his friends welcomed me with a small nabe food party!

On the second day, I woke up early and continued my trip using the local train and headed down towards Tokushima prefecture. Upon reaching Ooboke Station, I took the local bus (me being the only passenger) up the mountains via slippery and snowy roads. I reached my destination of Kazurabashi about an hour later, and I was amazed by an old, but beautiful, vine bridge. Later on, I walked about a kilometer to my second goal: an outdoor hot spring with a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains. I rode a ropeway car up from the hotel to the onsen, and (once again) I was the only one there! I finished this nice day by going to Akaoni (the red ogre), a local izakaya, back in Sanuki Saita with my new friends, Toshiaki-san and Zushi-san.

On the third day, Toshiaki-san and I went around the local village and had Sanuki udon for lunch. We said goodbye, and I continued towards Kouchi, which is the southern-most town in Shikoku. There, I met my friend Ayumi. We toured the town a bit and had ‘katsuo no tataki’ for dinner.

On the final day, I went to Kouchi castle, one of the best castles that I’ve visited in Japan yet. We later went to Katsurahama and went to see the Sakamoto Ryoma statue and museum.

Afterwards, it was finally time to go back to Kansai after a wonderful four days in Shikoku!







